With the increase in scale and availability of digital text generated on the web, enterprises such as online retailers and
aggregators often use text analytics to mine and analyze the
data to improve their services and products alike. Text data
analysis is an iterative, non-linear process with diverse workflows spanning multiple stages, from data cleaning to visualization. Existing text analytics systems usually accommodate
a subset of these stages and often fail to address challenges
related to data heterogeneity, provenance, workflow reusability and reproducibility, and compatibility with established
practices. Based on a set of design considerations we derive
from these challenges, we propose Leam, a system that treats
the text analysis process as a single continuum by combining
advantages of computational notebooks, spreadsheets, and
visualization tools. Leam features an interactive user interface
for running text analysis workflows, a new data model for
managing multiple atomic and composite data types, and an
expressive algebra that captures diverse sets of operations
representing various stages of text analysis and enables coordination among different components of the system, including
data, code, and visualizations. We report our current progress
in Leam development while demonstrating its usefulness with
usage examples. Finally, we outline a number of enhancements
to Leam and identify several research directions for developing
an interactive visual text analysis system.